
Ashleigh Askwith

Hi my name is Ashleigh Askwith and I used to believe there were only so many hours in the day until I became a Stay-at-Home Mum, a Vicar-in-training as well as beginning my business in baby massage and soon to add baby and toddler yoga.  

But how do you have the time?

Since 2015 I have been on a journey to discover how, using my unique skills, I was to serve the world. And so Believing Healthy Academy was born. A place that I hope will grow and change but will always hold fast to our two principles; to be a place of acceptance and a place of wellbeing. A place where new Mum’s and Dad’s can grow, learn and feel safe in those first few years of their child’s life and through one of the biggest changes an adult can go through. 

A love of wellbeing grew during my time as a pharmacist, in what feels like a long time ago. This love of wellbeing has never gone away however. Yet as a pharmacist there never seemed to be enough hours in the day and it wasn’t a job I loved.

It’s been a long journey of accepting who I am and so now I find myself doing the best three jobs there are for me. Each of them fills my soul and even though it may seem crazy to do everything in a week I welcome you to join me on my journey of creating Believing Healthy Academy.