Online Baby Massage Course

Baby Massage in the Comfort of your Own Home*

Baby Massage can give you many tools to add to your toolkit to help with teething, constipation, development and attachment. But often the classes don’t happen at the time you need them. Now you can learn at a convenient time and connect your faith.


Welcome to Baby Massage Online

There are so many benefits to baby massage, including increasing the positive interaction you have with your baby, teething, constipation and colic. But often the classes don’t always happen at the time you need them, such as integrating baby massage into your baby’s bedtime routine.

Now you can have access to the skills of baby massage at the time you need it.

Other Benefits to Online Baby Massage

  1. You’ll have everything close to hand.

Staying at home means you won’t forget anything as you have everything to hand. If your baby needs feeding, or changing or their favourite toy it is all right there for you just when you need it. 

  1. Pyjamas are acceptable.

Whereas it might be frowned upon to go to your nearest baby massage class in pyjamas, to our Zoom class it is totally acceptable as long as you are comfortable to be on camera in them. I know some days it was too hard to get dressed for mine and my daughters classes and some days pyjamas just feel better. Pyjamas optional, some sort of clothing essential. 

  1. Baby may feel more relaxed at home.

Who wouldn’t? Your baby may find the sensation of baby massage strange at first but it has so many benefits. Being able to complete the course in your own home may mean that your baby only has to take in one new sensory information, instead of lots, such as new sights and sounds. It may help them to get into the massage quicker and easier meaning that you get more time to get to the benefits of baby massage quicker and have more positive one-on-one time with your baby. 

  1. You too may feel more relaxed at home.

Sometimes it is just easier to relax in your own environment, especially if you haven’t quite got used to going out on your own yet and that is okay! You will get there. But if you are feeling more relaxed, it will mean that your baby is also much more likely to be relaxed, meaning that you can spend time focusing on the quality time you are having together. 

  1. Both parents may be able to join in. 

Dependent on when your partner works then you may have the chance to both join in. This wouldn’t be possible in a class but at home your partner can dive into the class with you, giving you the chance to take turns or maybe even grab a doll or teddy to learn the skill at the same time. Both learning baby massage may be a great way for you both to connect to your baby and for a non-nursing parent, it is a great way to gain a chance to bond and have skin-to-skin time. 

  1. Older siblings can join in.

If this isn’t your first time round but you still want to learn this skill (maybe you didn’t have a chance the first time round) then Zoom is a great way to make this happen. You can have your older sibling in an environment they are used to with all their toys, which may allow you to take part. As participants are on mute you don’t need to worry about noise or disruptions either. And if your older child wants to join in that is more than okay. Just grab them a teddy or doll for them to practice on at the same time. 

  1. Learn all the same techniques.

And last but not least, learn all the same techniques. You will not miss out on anything from the Zoom classes. All the moves, strokes and movements you would have experienced and learnt in a face-to-face class will also be taught on the Zoom based course. You will not miss out and will be able to ask lots of questions as you need to. 

  1. An option to connect your faith

Having the opportunity to find a way to connect your own faith to your growing little one can be important. Finding ways to bring your faith to life when your baby is so little is not always easy to think about but in these classes you have option and opportunity to do just that.

Freedom To Explore

In the classes offered you will learn all the same techniques as you would in a face-to-face class. From head to toe you will learn skills that will help you to deepen your bond with your baby, as well as tackle teething, constipation, trapped wind, colic and over-tiredness, whilst connecting your faith. Then in the final BONUS lesson there is an Explorer’s Massage, in which we will go on a journey through story and song exploring the massage strokes and movements we have gone through together.


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Online Course Disclaimer:

*This course is for UK participants only.